normalizing temperature中文什么意思

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  1. Further more , we also calculated the normalized temperature and the normalized pressure of the critical point ( tc , pc ) in the 2d monatomic system . and we gave some discussions about the qualities around the critical point
    另外,我们还进一步计算得到了二维单元l - j系统的临界点,并对其临界点附近的一些性质进行了讨论。
  2. Using the thermodynamic conditions describing the coexistence of two phases and the stability conditions of equilibrium state , we have calculated the normalized temperature and the normalized pressure of the triple point ( t1 , p1 ) , the melting curve , vapouring curve and the sublimation curve . the whole phase diagram of the 2d monatomic l - j system is obtained
    和杜宜瑾等人的方法类似,我们先给出了系统在相变点时的一些参数的数值,在此基础上,考虑占据率q的因素,利用相平衡的热力学条件及平衡态的稳定性条件,得到了二维单元l - j系统的熔化曲线、汽化曲线、升华曲线以及三相点的位置,从而给出了该系统的完整的三相图。
  3. For further researching the influence on the phase transition curve by these parameters , we first present discussions on the " cigar type " phase diagram by the normalized pressure or the ratio of the mixed energies . we fixed the other parameters and changed the normalized pressure or the ratio of the mixed energies only . the results show that the lattice structure , the phase transition normalized temperature and the coexistence area of the phase diagram changed with the variety of the given parameters in certain regularity
    参戮对相图的店响约化压强和势参数对相图来说都是很重要的参数,为了更深人的研究约化压强尸和势参数对相图的影响,我们首先讨论了在其他参数都不变的情况下,约化压强p对“雪茄型”相图的影响,即研究当约化压强尸增大或减小时,系统的结构、相变温度、相图的共存区域等的变化规律;接着,我们又讨论了在其他势参数和约化压强都不变的情况下,改变混合能比( 。


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